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Moving forward

So our appointment with the high risk OB was just okay. The doctor was really super smart, which I am all for an intelligent doctor. Especially one who is caring for my child. However, I guess I was looking for someone a bit more "lovie-dovie." In the end, I guess that isn't what matters, but for whatever reason, that was how I was feeling. his thoughts:

1.He thinks I could have an incompetent cervix. (join the club cervix, my ovaries are incompetent too!)

2.It could be that my bleeding during pregnancy caused an underlying infection, which in turn ruptured my membranes....which could mean I don't have an IC

3. All of the above

The problem is we don't really know.

My options:

1. Monitor closely for cervical changes ( was monitor with my pregnancy before and I showed no signs of IC, but okay...monitoring is good)

2. An elective cerclage at 13 weeks as a preventative measure for IC (which I may or may not have)

3. Plus progesterone injections (either way I go I will be on progesterone)

My thoughts:

Well...I am not so sure I have an IC. I really truly believe that all the bleeding I experienced lead to an underlying infection, thus leading to my ruptured membranes. However, do I not risk it and prompt for the cerclage just in case I do have an IC? I am not for sure how I feel about that.


I wish this was all much easier. I wish things were only a fraction as complicated as they are, or seem to be. But, I am going to continue to hope for the best and NOT expect the worst. I just want to get this show on the road. I left a message with the nurse yesterday at the RE's office to make an appointment. I called again this morning. I am ready to start my injections, like yesterday! My period is MIA again, so I am assuming my RE will let me start whenever.

So, here we go again, praying for baby # 2.


  1. Kate - praying hard with you.


  2. I nominated you for an award! Go to my blog to check it out.

  3. Well my dear, you know I am here sending my prayers and thoughts your way. I feel the same exact way ... why can't this just be easy. Where is our easy button?

    My heart goes out to you!

  4. I'm in the same boat. Not totally sure what caused my loss. But, I've decided to go for all the preventative measures next time. So I will get the cerclage and the shots. The cerclage freaks me out!

  5. If (hoping & praying!) we get to 13 weeks with this pregnancy, I'll have to have a cerclage placed. I know it seems scary...and honestly, I have real apprehension about it too, since the day after the emergency cerclage was placed during our first pregnancy Adam's water broke. But I don't have any choice.

    The PIO shots aren't the worst things in the world. I was pretty freaked out about those too--and granted I'm sore on both hips after two weeks of them--but the actual injections are so not a big deal. You've done the subcutaneous injections before, right? If you can do those, you'll be fine with the PIO.

    At least you have some food for thought to chew on for next time around. And hopefully one or more of the measures your doctor has suggested will make the difference.


  6. I think your bleeding may of had something to do with your cervix. With us, that was it in my case. They have monitored my cervix very closely this time around and it seems fine so far, so we have avoided the cerclage. Before Angel was born, when I was at the hospital, if my labor had stopped, that's the first thing they were going to do. But I have a feeling I developed an infection too, like you are talking about. The more I read about it, the more it seemed like it.

    I was on progestrone till 15 weeks. I refused the shots (just because I had two at the hospital while in labor with angel) and I just couldn't bring myself to do them. But since I am doing lovenox...the chance of getting a clot from them was greater I guess, so we avoided the shots.

    I'm glad you are preparing yourself full of information!! HUGS!

  7. what are the side effects of the shots? I'm wondering why Erica didn't want them.

    Okay call me crazy, but I calculated what my dd would be if I got pregnant this month (and went full term) would be my birthday-2/24. Would be a good gift!!

  8. Man. I wish things didn't have to be so difficult. I'm happy to hear a preventative cerclage is an option, because I've heard of doctors who are stingy about that if they don't know for sure IC was an issue. We will support you no matter how you decide to proceed. Hugs.


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