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Serious scare! I have said before, the next few weeks are my dreaded "what the hell is going to happen" weeks. It's like being in limbo! When you have experienced PTL, you know that is generally happens in the second trimester when you are at the mercy of time. Always wanting and longing for more time to get your baby as far long gestationally as possible. yesterday I felt like I was leaking a bit. Not a lot, but enough to notice. (TMI warning heading!!!) I have found that pregnancy causes an increase in my normal discharge, so sometimes it hard to tell what is really going on down there. So, I called the nurse at the office and told her the scoop. As soon as I reminded her that I had a pre term rupture of membranes (pPROM) with our first pregnancy her response was "okay...that's all I needed to hear...I am calling L&D triage and letting them know you are on your way." Sigh...oh we go again.

So at this point, I am not too panicked. I am thinking I am probably over reacting and things are going to be fine. A quick in and out...see ya later...thanks for the help. So I show up and they run several test (4 to be exact). 1) check for an infection...negative! 2) check for pooling of fluid in the vagina...negative! 3) check for "ferning" of fluid under the microscope (apparently if a fern pattern appears, it can be indicative of ruptured membranes)...negative 4) nitrozine pH test of vagina fluid...POSITIVE! SHIT!!!!!

The doctors are puzzled! Why are all of the test negative, expect the pH level?

Next they do a quick ultrasound to check the Little Miss Mirth's fluid level. They didn't do an official AFI (amniotic fluid index) just a quick subjective peak. All was well and the baby had plenty of fluid. The plan quickly became to monitor me and the babe over night and do a full ultrasound in the morning. By the way... the jack ass resident (this is why I am a no resident kind of gal for our delivery) ask me "so if your membranes have ruptured...what do you want to do?" WHTAT DO YOU MEAN, WHAT DO I WANT TO DO? EVERYTHING! Come on people!! sigh...

So they kept me overnight and this morning did an AFI. Baby Mirth's AFI was 11 which is perfect and normal! Yay! I had no leaking last night! YAY! My doc said that the pH is not a true measurement of preterm rupture. It can be used subjectively to to help diagnosis, but the other test that are more reliable and quite frankly more important at this point were negative. So this morning around 10 Tim, little Miss Mirth and I were homeward bond!!

Yikes!! What a night. The moral of the story....the doc thinks I may have leaked a little urine. Fine! I will take it! Better to be safe then sorry...right!

By the is 1 whole pound. A huge milestone for us. Zoelle was 14.8 ounces at birth. I couldn't be happier that baby is safe. My baby angels, healers and guides were keeping us safe! Thanks you!


  1. So glad to hear Little Miss Mirth is okay and you are back home. I was so worried reading your post, but glad to know all is well.

  2. I read your post with huge anticipation, Kate. so glad to hear everything is okay..... what a scare!

  3. Whew! Glad you and the babe are good :)

  4. Oh girl, keeping you close to my heart and in my thoughts. Continuously sending loads of good positive vibes!!


  5. Oh my goodness! I'm so happy that everything checked out and little one is still growing away where she should be!!! :)

  6. Oh my gosh, KATE!!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That resident is an IDIOT! Sheesh. I'm so beyond relieved to hear that little Miss Mirth is well and happily swimming around in plenty of fluid. I'm sending all kinds of vibes in your direction for an uneventful few months to come.

  7. BIG sigh of relief!! Glad to hear everything is ok. (((HUGS)))

  8. Glad to hear everything is OK. XX


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