Okay...like I have said before, the next few weeks are my dreaded "what the hell is going to happen" weeks. It's like being in limbo! When you have experienced PTL, you know that is generally happens in the second trimester when you are at the mercy of time. Always wanting and longing for more time to get your baby as far long gestationally as possible. Anyway...so yesterday I felt like I was leaking a bit. Not a lot, but enough to notice. (TMI warning heading!!!) I have found that pregnancy causes an increase in my normal discharge, so sometimes it hard to tell what is really going on down there. So, I called the nurse at the office and told her the scoop. As soon as I reminded her that I had a pre term rupture of membranes (pPROM) with our first pregnancy her response was "okay...that's all I needed to hear...I am calling L&D triage and letting them know you are on your way." Sigh...oh great...here we go again. So at this point, I am not too panicked. ...
Remembering our daughter, Zoelle Hazel Mirth; our journey through infertility and loss