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IVF Meeting

Well..last night we had the group meeting with the Embryologist. Talk about an amazing job! I can't even imagine caring for someone's embryo...holding their dreams, their DNA, their future babies. I am so thankful for this technology and the people who make it happen. As we walked into the meeting I quickly scanned the room carefully with my eyes...not only to find a seat...but to scope out the other future IVF'ers in the room. To my surprise I knew a few people in the room...strange how that works.

My biggest fear going through the whole IVF process is hyperstimulation. I pray that my ovaries will behave enough to get the eggs we need yet not get overly zealous! My second fear...NOT getting pregnant the first cycle. I hope I am not setting myself up for disappointment...but I really want this to work the first time around. We are so tight financially as it is...working the first round would be fabulous. However...if we can freeze some embyro's I think I will feel a little better about the prospect of cycle 2. At least the embryo's would be ready and it's a fraction of the cost for a FET (frozen embyro transfer).

Last but not least...getting pregnant brings on a WHOLE other world of fears. I know for sure we want to transfer 2 embyro's. Getting pregnant with twins and a possible bum cervix is quite scary. We spoke with the embryologist after the meeting last night and he said with our age and history...there is always the possibility of transferring only one embyro. I don't know...ultimately it's up to us...but we will see. He said Dr. M is pretty conservative...and might suggest one as well. Only time will tell.

So next week we have the trial transfer and we are mapping out my uterus! Sounds fun, right! :-) Hey whatever it takes!!! Map away Mr. Embyro guy! :-)


  1. Hi Kate - thanks for your comment on my blog :) I am doing ok :) Hey - I went through 2 fresh cycles of IVF so far, the first cycle we transferred two and nothing happened, the second cycle we transferred three with assisted hatching and all three took with my girls, see if you can opt for AH but they have to deem it medically necessary, look into it anyway. None of our embies froze even though I had many eggs fertilize, unfortunately they arrested prior to freezing. So our next cycle I imagine we will do the same protocol, but maybe transfer two and risk twins....however, the MFM said I would definitely have a cerclage at 12 weeks. We have a consult on the 24th...maybe we will go through this together???!!! I wish you the best of luck sweetie! Any questions - feel free to email me! Hugs, Nan xoxo

  2. I am crossing my fingers and toes. Praying to God that your dreams come true.

  3. I think the question of how many to transfer is one of the toughest parts of the IVF process. And it's different every time, so there's no knowing what will happen. Obviously our first time, our doctor suggested three due to our age (we're definitely older than you all!) and the quality of the embryos not being top-notch. As you know, all three implanted.

    The second time around, we also debated transferring one but our doctor talked us into two because of my age (there's no way we'd ever do three again after the heartbreak of losing our boys). They were absolutely perfect blasts, but only one of the two stuck. It's so hard to say what will happen once those embryos are transferred!

    I'm excited to follow your journey through this first IVF cycle and hope it goes as smoothly as possible for you!


  4. Hoping and praying that it all works out for you!

  5. I fifth that. I'm hoping and praying that this time next month, you're with baby/ies again. :)

  6. I will be praying for you. May God bless you.

  7. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!! xx

  8. Hi honey!! Best wishes and lots of love as you, Tim and Zoe take this trip together.

    I am praying for you.



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