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Thank goodness for calendars!

So it feels very official now. We had our IVF meeting, our trial transfer to map out my uterus for the real thing (that's funny to me), and all of our lab work. All of my meds are ready to go as well. Yesterday Dr. Gloom and Doom hinted at the fact he thinks it may be best to transfer one...obviously depending on what our embryo's look like. The goal is to transfer at day 5, the blast stage. The key is...will our embyo's survive that long outside of me? If it looks like that is not the case, they will transfer at day 3...which is still perfectly acceptable. After much consideration, I do believe we still would like to transfer 2 embyro's. Transferring one cuts our odds in half. Obviously the goal is a healthy full term baby/babies...but I am not confident transferring only one is the way to go. sigh...I don't know. I think we will have a better idea once the embryo's are growing.

So here's what we have in store for the next month:

Zithromax (z-pack)
: A antibiotic Tim and I both take starting Thursday. This treats ureaplasma/mycoplasma bacteria that decrease pregnancy rates...and can case miscarriages.

Lupron injections:
I am on the long lupron protocol to hopefully suppress my ovaries, in turn, decrease my risk of hyper stimulation. Sounds like a good idea to me!

9/3- Last day of BC pills (the nurse told me to expect a period)

9/10- Baseline scan, lab work and continue with lupron

9/12- My pseudo cycle day 3= decrease lupron to 5 units daily
Start prenatal vitamin, foltx (an extra dose of folic acid) and one baby
Aspirin a daily

Dexamethasone- (We may or may not need to take this medication)this is used when the DHEAS-sulfate levels are high...I guess we will find out when our lab work comes back.

- Start follistim 150 units a day. They are giving me the very lowest dose to stimulate my ovaries. It's common to do 150 units twice a day plus another drug. But...with my ovaries follistim should do the trick. We will see.

9/17- u/s to check progress

HCG- taken 35 hours prior to scheduled egg retrieval...this is very time sensitive, so depending on when my retrieval is scheduled, I could be taking this injection in the wee hours of the morning. It's important though, because it will tell my follicles to release the egg.

- For post procedure pain after the retrieval

Valium- for day of transfer

Progesterone in Oil- Daily IM injection starting after the transfer. I remember these well from last year. My butt remembers them too!

How about a little dose of SANITY? Anyone? Anyone? Hmmm...I wonder if I can get that over the counter! haha

Last but not least...a picture of my basket of goodies! Well seems we are really doing this!


  1. Wow! That's a lot of drugs!I'm seeing big $$$ signs as I'm looking at them. Do you give yourself the shots? Or does Time get the pleasure of doing them?

  2. It's a lot I know but the result will be oh so perfect. I know it will!!! *hugs*

  3. I am so sorry you have to go through all of this...I pray for a successful transfer and for a wonderfuly uncomplicated pregnancy for you. xx

  4. How's everything going, lovely Kate? I'm thinking of you and hoping that the meds aren't treating you too badly! Are you off the crazy-making Lupron?



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